Is a Middle East teaching job the right choice for you?

The mystique of the Middle East is undeniable. This is why so many people are drawn to teaching jobs in the Middle East, both as a way to earn money and as an adventure.

But Middle East teaching jobs are not for everyone. Whether you’re considering a career change or just looking for a way to pay down your student loans, here’s what you should know about Middle East teaching jobs.

It’s a great opportunity to see the world and have a totally different experience.

If you’re in a place where your job has become stagnant, working abroad can offer the chance to refocus your life and career. It’s a great opportunity to see the world and have a totally different experience. You’ll have new challenges and new responsibilities, more freedom to make decisions about your life, and meet people that will change how you view the world. All of this leads to new skills and knowledge that will make you a better teacher back home or anywhere else in the future.

Working abroad is also an opportunity for personal growth, a chance to leave behind old habits and try out new activities or approaches that you might not have experienced otherwise. In addition, living in another country is a great way to build confidence by overcoming challenges related to language, culture, food, politics, etc. There are so many factors beyond teaching that can put your personal resourcefulness skills to the test on a daily basis.

You can be a big fish in a small pond.

You can be a big fish in a small pond. A lot of new teachers get overwhelmed with the idea of teaching in a K-12 classroom with 40 or more students. But by teaching abroad, you’re given small classes with fewer than 10 students. This means you get to know your students and they get to know you. You can make an impact on their lives, and they will take notice.

You’re also treated like a professional teacher rather than an assistant when working abroad. Many first-year teachers struggle with student discipline in the States because they feel like they’re not respected or seen as credible enough to control their class. Your students abroad will see you as an authority figure who has come all this way to teach them, and so there’s no need for discipline issues, especially if your school is using the Common Core curriculum.

Your responsibilities may be greater than those of other English teachers, but you’ll be given a lot more freedom at the same time. The lesson plans are all created for you, so that takes one huge responsibility off your plate, which is great if this is your first year teaching. You have a lot of freedom over how you teach the material provided, though even if it takes some creativity.

The culture is unique.

The Middle East is rich in culture and history, both dating back thousands of years. The term “Middle East” was coined by the British to describe the area where the main world powers Britain and Russia met, which was also central to most religions of the time. When you step foot into a Middle Eastern country, you’ll be able to see just how much history there is. If you’re passionate about seeing historical sites and learning more about their history, then teaching in the Middle East can be very rewarding.

Middle Easterners are generally very warm and welcoming people who will offer you their hospitality during your stay. One thing to keep in mind is that they may have a different view on things than what you’re used to in your home country. Because of this, it’s important to be mindful of cultural differences so that you can truly enjoy living here and make it an enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

It has one of the highest paid teaching jobs in the world.

If you have ever dreamed of an all-expenses-paid trip to the Middle East, a teaching job may be a great way for you to make this happen. In countries like Kuwait and Oman, foreigners can earn tax-free salaries of $3500 or more a month.

Teaching jobs in this region also often provide housing allowances, free or subsidized health care, paid vacation days, airfare tickets home at the end of your contract, and even end-of-contract bonuses. These positions are not only lucrative but offer unparalleled opportunities to travel and explore the Middle East during your time off.

The cost of living is low.

  • Keep in mind that the cost of living is often low in Middle East countries. For example, renting a two-bedroom apartment for $400 a month or monthly utilities for about $50 is common.
  • Of course, this does vary depending on the location. You should research each country first, to determine how its cost of living compares to your home city. This will help you know what to expect and plan accordingly.

It has one of the most diverse teaching jobs worldwide.

The Middle East region is one of the most popular destinations for teachers looking to teach abroad. As a result, there are a number of teaching jobs in the UAE, along with many jobs in neighboring areas such as Oman, Qatar or Kuwait. Abu Dhabi and Dubai are two of the top cities for teaching in this area.

For teachers who do not hold QTS or PGCE qualifications and have no prior experience teaching English as a foreign language (EFL), there are opportunities to teach abroad in international schools throughout the Middle East. You may also find that your other qualifications, skills, and life experiences may help you obtain a position.

Applicants should note that requirements vary from country to country. For example, most countries require an undergraduate degree in any field along with relevant teaching experience for elementary school teachers, but others require more specific qualifications such as an education degree and teacher certification if you wish to teach at higher academic levels such as middle school or high school.

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