Are Food Labels on Packages Really Good and Make Sense?

The significance of labelling the food packages at times is not given importance. Though these have a specific reason for being pasted over the food packets. From identification of the product to providing the crucial details about the same these labels on the packets of edible products are the actual source of information regarding the same. For example, the symbol of green and red dots on the food packages categorizes them as vegetarian or non-vegetarian food items. Similarly, the jars of wine that were found in the historic tomb of king Tutankhamun helped to associate them with the label laws of current nations. Similarly, food packaging label in today’s world has been beneficial to companies or manufacturers as well as the clients or consumers. For the companies, the same is beneficial in the context of providing information to the clients while for the consumers the same may be beneficial as these provide detailed information about the product.

From providing information about the vital components to assisting the customers in planning their diet and calorie intake and from identifying the sugar content for calorific value of consumption providing the details about calorie intake in one serving etc. these labels at times prove to be the lifeline for those who are allergic or intolerant to any edible product.

These labels make it easy to make the choice by comparing different products of different brands according to the test and preferences of the consumer. These have been accepted as efficient tools in protecting the health of the final consumer regarding food safety and nutritional value intake. Moreover, these contain information about the manufacture and expiry dates of the perishable products that makes it easy to store and utilize the same without any harm to the health.

Keep on exploring the article to know about the details of the benefits of these food packaging labels for business houses.

Providing details

Many brands and companies use big stickers for the promotion of their products in public places. At times companies up print their logos on different products for making an upper reputed market for the same. Anyway, labelling is advantageous for the purpose of informing consumers about the details of the product. The main details like ingredients and composition, manufacturing and expiry dates, calorie intake per serving, the address of the main and the branch offices of the manufacturer, etc. form the main part of these labels. Additionally, the labels include the extraction sources of ingredients and at times the procedure of preparing or consuming the same. This makes it easy for the consumer to handle the product and enjoy the same with convenience and ease.

Check out the infographic below to see what else your consumers are looking for on their product labels.

vitamin E TPGS

Infographic provided by Antares Health Products, a vitamin E TPGS manufacturer

Unmatched efficiency added on with the right type of supply chain

Modernized flexible packaging companies in UAE have reached a level of unmatched efficiency in terms of package labelling. The accurate details and required instructions on any edible item prevent the consignment or the packages from being missed and damaged. Moreover, the expired products sale or returns is prevented by these detailed labels. The business houses make sure of providing a relevant label with each and every minor piece of information to build up the repetition in the market and assure the rate of success during the delivery of the product. This help should develop the loyalty of the customer towards the brand. In simple terms, this can be called the achieved transparency level for the business house.

Better deliveries in the digital market or online deliveries

The modern era is an era of the digital trade market. Every consignment has to go through the processes of stocking and transportation for ensuring timely arrival at the destination without fail. In such cases customized labelling of the food packages is ensured in order to prevent loss during the transit or missed delivery at some other location. To enhance the customer experience with the brand the big business houses move on with assured customer delivery services due to these efficient labelling schemes. The clarity of instructions over the package obviously leads to the quality delivery to the right destination at the perfect assessed time.

Safe and secure delivery

It is true that the system of food packaging labels helps the brand or the business house to be recognized among the competitors. Also, safe and secure delivery is assured due to the respective levels. The different type of labels results in extended security of the product regarding miss handling or damping or any potential hazard etc. Moreover, different types of labels such as impact labels, security labels, UN alarming hazard labels, temperature controllers and indicators, etc. benefit the business houses as well as the consumers from rough handling of the product or from the adulteration of the same. The statutory warnings provided we want the consumers to be the buyers against any misuse of the same. Moreover, these labels also show some temperature-related details revealing the details about protecting the food packages from exposure to certain transit temperatures.

Safety and consumer health are the priorities

These food labels give you knowledge about various food compositions like the elements included etc. This is the most basic information that ensures that the consumption of any particular package of food item Is totally safe for the consumers. Moreover, these have to monitor the consumption of nutrient levels as per your weight and body requirement. This means that people with some chronic or acute health issues may avoid what has been restricted to them or people with a deficiency may include the required elements of food in their diet. Without any confusion, the brown paper bags help to differentiate between various food items for example saturated and unsaturated with convenience. Various other types of packing and labels mention warnings and the likely information that can affect any person’s health. Moreover, the ways to use and the ways to preserve the food helps you avoid any type of ailment after the consumption of the same.

In addition to all the above, the food packaging labels and other types of packages stop customers from buying any fraud or harmful product and help in the detection of effects that may cause harm or may be allergic to a person after consumption of the same. Not only this avoiding the wastage of food is also a prior concern while labelling the food packages.

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